Etan Wiki

In case you haven't noticed, I've been working on the history of the various nations of Darvasi. I've been trying to put together a rough time line of the precursor nations that led to the formations of the current one's.

This lead me to wonder about the early interactions of the races. I figure that the humans lived in harmony with the gods before the Divine Schism, celebrated each time a new god arrived (which would probably become patron holidays). The humans probably lived in small communities, not really needing to form cities since large economic and agricultural centers wouldn't be necessary. The gods would provide for the humans and look after them.

Then the Sator went and created the new races. How this was done exactly hasn't really been explicitly stated, but I've always figured that they would be unable to create a completely new race on their own, so they altered the humans living in certain areas. Numerous human tribes were transformed into other races. Humans would most likely feel abandoned by the gods and jealous/distrustful of these new beings. This would force the new races to band together for protection, forcing the humans to do the same. Eventually, these gatherings would form cities, and in some cases, small nations.

Once the warring among the gods began, and the new races were conscripted to attack each other, the cities would expand into the conquered lands, forming larger nations. The conquered lands would still be partially inhabited by the other races: it's almost impossible to eradicate a native population. By the time of the Second Divine War, the races would be fairly intermingled, even if the minority races were slaves.

After the Second Divine War, the races would probably have ceased fighting and spending most of their time rebuilding and recovering: wondering were the gods were. For nearly 500 years, the races would be intermingling, distrusting each other, but seeing the consequences of fighting each other. This would probably result in uneasy peace eventually resulting in a general trust of other races. There would of course be wars, but none would consume the entire continent. Nations would rise and fall, as usual, and there would be further intermingling and possibly co-habitation.

So the big thing I'm questioning is, would the current racial breakdowns of nation be realistic? After all, the nations are almost exclusively segregated. Is that reasonable, or would the races mix more? The various races should be fairly comfortable with each other, excluding the expected racist. The sight of another race is hardly noticeable, at least from a role playing perspective.

Should the nations be broken up by race, or should they be more accepting racially?
